Long time no blog....

2 minute read time.

Wow, it's been over a month since I last blogged. So what's happened since mum came home?

She lost a lot of muscle in her lower body so she's starting walking to try and rebuild her glutes/calves/quads etc. She's up to the "2 lake" walk with the dog now which is pretty impressive considering she could barely get up the stairs a month ago.

Mum decided to throw herself into things when she got home. I think it has been a "getting control back" exercise after what she's been through, and I can completely relate because I would do the same. She's had the kitchen re-done with new cupboards, new fridge etc. Ordering new carpets and curtains, moved her sofas into the living room and updated the soft furnishings. She's redone the spare room so that it's set up as a retreat for her to go to when she's not feeling well.

She's been catching up with friends, and we went up for a couple of days and I cooked dinner for us all. The new motorhome is on order and it's generally been all go. This was no surprise but I think she overdid it (you couldn't stop her though) and I think it created some tension between her and Colin.

She started radiotherapy and chemotherapy last week (17th April) and all went well on day 1. However, on day 2, she had an epileptic seizure on the way home. I was gutted. To have to deal with cancer is quite enough, but to have her epilepsy resurrect itself was a real kick in the teeth.

She went back to A&E where they ran lots of tests. She was sent home that night, and the doctors said it wasn't unusual, not to worry about it, and it might happen again. It could be a side effect of scar tissue on her brain, or the treatments. They've increased her Epilim, so hopefully that will calm down a bit.

What they did say what that she had been overdoing it (!!!!!!) and to take it easy. She phoned that night and said she was treating it as a wake up call and she was going to try and take it easy now.

She mentioned that she thinks she might be depressed and yesterday Colin emailed to say that she broke down in the consultants office as she's feeling really down. They're talking about doing CBT. I'm really pleased that they're being proactive about it - she's refusing to take any more pills and I'm right there with her on that! I've had CBT and it was really effective for me.

It's all a real worry, but the main thing is that the treatment is going OK, the doctors are really pleased with her post-surgery progress, so all things considered, she is in the best possible position. I think that the depression is not altogether unexpected, but I hope she can get some help with it.

I'm going to order some DVDs for her to keep her entertained while she's getting over the treatment, just got to work out what to send!

The only other thing which happened in the meantime is some sad news about another friend. He was taken ill while on holiday over Easter and has been diagnosed with liver cancer and given months to live. While mum's journey is hard, his situation really puts things into perspective and at least we've got a fight to have.
