Cycle 2

1 minute read time.

Cycle 2 is supposed to be today. It was postponed by 3 hours, so instead of having it now I am trying to wait patiently. It’s not that I am excited, more that I want it over with. Most of my concerns are about the cannula as I have a massive bruise where the first one had problems last time, and to even touch that part of my arm makes me jump - don’t try and come near it with a needle!

The last three weeks have been up and down. When ‘tiredness’ kicks in it is more ‘utter exhaustion’, my brain stops and it is a struggle to do anything. I have learnt to recognise when I am getting tired and I am trying to learn to stop what I am doing and rest, but it is not easy. The injections were hard work and I am not looking forward to doing them again, however all the medication seems to have done it’s job, so it is worth it.

The reason for the delay today is because I want to use the cold cap again to try to prevent hair loss. My hair has now been coming out for almost a week and whilst I am very grateful that I have always had a lot of thick hair, I am not sure that the cold cap will stop it coming out. I now have ‘not a lot’ of thick hair, but just enough that so far no one has noticed!

We have to see how it goes and take one day at a time.

  • Hi cross stitcher, sounds like your chemo is going well. All the meds are a pain, aren't they? And I hate the injections too. My husband injects me as I don't think I could do it myself. What chemo are you having? I hope you manage to save some of your hair with the cold cap. I am having my second Docetaxel tomorrow after 3 x EC. I was supposed to take steroids at breakfast and lunch today and I completely forgot. I think they are in case of allergic reactions to the chemo. So I took one lot when I remembered, which was 4.30pm. I don't suppose I'll get much sleep tonight Unamused. I'll take another lot early tomorrow morning. I've set alarms for next time! One day at a time is my mantra, too! You sound positive and I hope you can keep it up. Sending love your way xx

  • Hi, one day at a time is definitely the only way forward. I get Docetaxel next time - is it very different?

  • Hi, sorry for not replying sooner - I hadn't realised or been notified that you had replied. I guess you've had your first dose of Docetaxel by now? How was it? I've had 3 out of 4 Doce, after having had 3x EC. They've been ok on the whole. What I've really struggled with is the change of taste, especially since the last dose two weeks ago. I've hardly eaten, have lost weight, have no energy, feel weak, etc. I saw my onco yesterday and he will reduce the dose slightly for my final dose next week. I need to eat well and build up my strength for surgery in Feb/Mar.

  • Make sure you are strong enough for the surgery. I had surgery first and it takes as least as long as they say to recover, you will need all your strength before you start.