Chemo started

1 minute read time.

The first chemo was on Monday. The day was ok, the only issue was my vein deciding it didn’t want the chemo and they had to try a second one. That worked though. To keep the vein open I had my arm in a warm sleeve, but to hopefully help keep my hair my head was in a refrigerated cap. No idea what I looked like but the 5 hours passed ok. The cold cap was not as cold as I had expected so not sure if it was not on right or my pain tolerance is better than a lot of people. Either way time will tell if it works.

I came home with 5 different sets of tablets and some injections to do. Most of the tablets are now done which is good as they all had to be taken at different times which was hard work. However the injections started this evening. I’m feeling very proud that I have managed to inject myself. I hope it gets easier as although it didn’t really hurt, it was not easy. Lots of advice and encouragement from others who have given themselves injections helped, so thank you if you were one of those people.

The tablets and injections are all to fight the side effects, mostly nausea but also to boost my immune system to keep me going. The only side effects so far have been a bit of wind and heartburn apart from feeling tired. However next week is supposed to be the low point before I start to feel better again ready for the next cycle at the end of the month.

I went back to work a couple of weeks ago, increasing the hours slowly and working from home. I find it very tiring, but then there is a lot going on so even trying not to get too involved is hard work. Fortunately everyone at work is being very understanding and supportive but it is hard work.

Generally I am feeling very positive but tired, it is hard to know how much is too much to do until your body says stop, so I keep overdoing it a bit, hopefully I will get better at guessing when to stop so I don’t get so tired. Then it might be easier to get up in the morning!
