Half way

1 minute read time.

Chemo cycle 4 started on Monday. Technically I am half way through the chemo as there should be 6 cycles. However this is not going up a hill until you are half way then back down the other side. It is more going up the hill and turning the corner to find the next part of the hill you couldn’t see before. Cycle 4 is a new chemical. So far this seems to be positive as there are less drugs to take at the moment, less queasiness and generally ok. But I am more tired - is that because I am still recovering from the cold I had at Christmas though? I still have to inject myself too, I had hoped we might loose that medication! 
I am told that the side effects (tiredness) will get worse with each cycle and this chemical is worse than the last, so I am anticipating next week might not be great. The week after Christmas was something of a write off as I spent my days not sleeping much but not having the energy even to play board games. I lost most of my sense of taste so while Christmas dinner looked good, it was a bit wasted on me. I hope that next week will be better than that, but am trying to prepare for a time of rest.

We just pray that it is all worth it.

  • Hi, Happy and Healthy New Year to us! I've just replied to one of your earlier posts :) not realising that there were more recent ones, oops! What chemo drugs have you had so far? Did you have Docetaxel first then something else or the other way round? I found my first 3 cycles with EC quite easy, just fatigue really, but Docetaxel has been hard, especially on my taste buds and morale. Sorry to hear you had a cold at Christmas and couldn't enjoy your dinner. I was so happy that Christmas fell on my "good week" and I was able to enjoy two Christmas dinners. The past two weeks have been horrible and I've lost more than half a stone. I think I'm turning a corner now so hopefully I can get some food down and weight back up in time for my final Docetaxel next week. Sending love and prayers your way, Amy x

  • I had 3 cycles of EC and now on Docetaxal, generally each cycle is worse,  really not happy about 2 more cycles, it might only be 6weeks, but it will be a long 6 weeks!