So what’s the plan?

1 minute read time.

I have now had a CT scan and thankfully that doesn’t seem to have shown up any further cancer although due to the bruising and swelling from surgery they can’t be completely certain. We saw the oncologist and next stop is chemo starting in a few weeks. There will be several cycles each 3 weeks apart and apparently different drugs to be taken in between to stop nausea, boost white blood cells….etc. So the next 4 or 5 months will be very up and down as my body tries to adjust to the ever changing chemicals in it.

I am finally managing to sleep lying down - you will never understand how good that feels unless you can’t do it. Which means I am sleeping better, which means I have more energy. The wounds are still mending, mostly scar as apposed to scab now, but I’m still being careful not to knock scabs off, or scratch them. Generally feeling much better though.

So, I am thinking about going back to work in a week or so, working from home initially and building up the hours, but being flexible too around the chemo. It will be good to get back into work, as my brain has recovered I am finding things to do at home but it’s not the same as really focusing on something.
