Such a long journey and it's not over yet.

  • Just shocked and stunned.......


    something so awful has happened to our family that I can't even share it with you all. I just hope to god it doesn't bring my mum down and make her any worse, it is just awful. She doesn't have an awful lot of strength at the moment and don't know how she is going to cope with this. I just don't know what to say.

  • Another family member under the knife today.....


    ........thinking today of my other half's uncle who is going under the knife today. He has prostate cancer but they are pretty convinced there is no spread. Good luck B.

  • Brave, brave lady...


    .......Mum through all your ten years + of dealing with this god awful disease you have fought and shown such grace and courage it takes my breathe away. You have tried to shield your family from the bad days and put on a brave, happy face for all the high days and holidays often putting yourself in bed for days after. But now we all know you are not feeling so good, your Mac nurse thinks you may have ascites a good indication…

  • Update time...

    FormerMember we managed to get to see mum on Friday and she was looking pretty good. Insisted on cooking us all dinner and we had a good time. I filled her in on what is happening with uni and as I hugged her goodbye she tried to tell me that the uni work is my priority, at which point fighting back the tears I reminded her that no she is my priority and always will be! Had a very frank discussion with my 11 yr old before we…

  • Emotions have levelled again, what next?


    As we all know with this journey we experience a series of ups and downs. I remember in a lecture seeing a graph representation of the cancer journey that has really stuck with me. It was a series of straight plateau periods and sharp drops followed by more time on the plateau. Emotionally I have reached another plateau although not so sure that Mum is still not slipping down one of the slopes. What is positive though…