Such a long journey and it's not over yet.

  • Didn't get to see Mum


    Went to a friends house for dinner last night, then she came back with me to put the girls to bed and watch a girlie film whilst my hubby stayed and had a few beers with her's. Fab evening we had a fantastic time catching up and she made me feel so much better.

    Then 2 this morning woke with tummy cramps and promptly went and threw up! Then was awake for most of the night. Been in bed all day and feel absolutely poo…

  • Is it true what doesn't kill us makes us stronger?


    I did manage to review the lecture before going in and made the decision to attend. It turned out to be extremely informative and problems that would probably be unrelated to my mum's cancer. I felt better after even having a chat with the lecturer who is fantastic and one of my favourites, she has a very infective big laugh and it's hard not to join in, came away from Uni feeling quite a bit better.

    The morning…

  • Wish the Uni could be more organised!!


    I am due to attend a lecture day at the Uni tommorow. The module we are doing is on Urgent and Unscheduled Care. Part of their commitment to us is to get the lecture presentations put on the website before so we can print of our own notes. But this does not always happen, one of the lectures in particular I wanted to look at today and make a decision as whether I felt I was up to attending. It's on Emergencies in Palliative…

  • Much better today, thank you all...


    ......well today has been a much better day. Can't believe my daughter had to be woken up this morning a first on her birthday that's for sure! She had lots of money in cards which is what she wanted but also it is so difficult for people to know what to buy her this close to Christmas. So tommorrow she goes spending. Not able to ride the bike we got her as it has been pouring here all day.

    Mum called this evening…

  • Today I finally cracked up!


    Hello all I have been around the site for a long time now, about 18 months. Mum's cancer journey has been considerably longer she is suffering from bowel cancer had half removed, a stoma for a while then had that reversed. After chemo and the all clear for a while it came back on her liver, another op had a third removed, more chemo. Then back it came, it's now on her lungs and in her lymph nodes and we were told it is…