Brave, brave lady...

1 minute read time.

.......Mum through all your ten years + of dealing with this god awful disease you have fought and shown such grace and courage it takes my breathe away. You have tried to shield your family from the bad days and put on a brave, happy face for all the high days and holidays often putting yourself in bed for days after. But now we all know you are not feeling so good, your Mac nurse thinks you may have ascites a good indication that maybe you are entering the last part if your journey. You feel frustrated that you are uncomfortable and don't have the energy or will to get out and about, but know if you are feeling well enough today you will call over to see me and as always I can't wait to see you. Just know that whatever is to come I make you several promises......... I will never let you be in pain, we will be there to support dad in all aspects of your care and give him the emotional support he needs too, not that he will ask for it he is such a proud man. All of us will be there to hold your hand, we love you mum, I love you mum.


  • FormerMember

    your are a very loving daughter im sure mum and dad are proud of you

  • FormerMember

    What a lovely blog for your mum.....very close to home for me, (((((((((hugs))))))))

    LIZ xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thoughts with you and your family, similar predicament in my family at the moment x

  • FormerMember

    What a very thoughtful,caring loving daughter, your blog was something very special and from deep in your heart. It will put your Mums Mind at peace. My thoughts are with you and your Family at this sad time. You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    AAARRRGGGHHH doctor does not agree with Mac nurse apparently no fluid on examination. So yes that is good but we still have no explanation for her feeling the way she does even she asked me on the phone 'is she imagining it?' no! Guess it probably is just the disease progression and she still has her appointment coming up to see if she needs another stent. It is just so frustrating think she thought it would get drained and she would feel better again :-(