Smashing The Stragglers...

  • Back last

    After two weeks of going stir crazy in hospital I finally made it home this Tuesday only to have the paramedics called out at 2.30 in the morning when some of my overnight feed had somehow gone on to my lungs causing me to choke. After quite a panic and several tests carried out I had calmed down and was given the all clear. So now at home after being knocked back for six I am slowly starting to eat other foods such…
  • Rest and Recuperate

    Unf admitted to Southampton hospital last wed with dehydration and throat pain, feeling a bit better now as they have upped pain relief and am back on syringe driver hope to be back home and out of here by monday
  • Going Backwards...


    Since coming off the syringe driver the oral medication for pain relief just doesnt seem to be working and my throat has been really sore for the past few days.  Swallowing has also become more of a struggle, I managed a finely chopped bacon omelette last week, now i cannot even manage a small plate of scrambled egg due to difficulty swallowing.  I have had to increase the amount of nightly force feed via PEG tube to offset…

  • Uncrossing Wires


    Well I have had the right runaround concerning whether or not I would be given a PET/CT scan to confirm if my treatment has been successful.  Fortunately the stars have aligned and I now will be having the scan on 28 March, instead of relying solely on monthly visual checks by my consultant.  I have as I am sure you understand now got a slightly anxious couple of weeks to wait and am keeping everything crossed that all…

  • Steps Forward


    Well finally today I have managed to be rid of my syringe driver and switch to oral medication for pain relief and anti sickness.  This means I am no longer reliant on being at home every day waiting for the 24 hour top ups from the brilliant community nurses.  Work are also in the process of sorting me out a laptop so that i can keep a watching brief but am still some way off going back to work yet as until i get off pain…