Going Backwards...

1 minute read time.

Since coming off the syringe driver the oral medication for pain relief just doesnt seem to be working and my throat has been really sore for the past few days.  Swallowing has also become more of a struggle, I managed a finely chopped bacon omelette last week, now i cannot even manage a small plate of scrambled egg due to difficulty swallowing.  I have had to increase the amount of nightly force feed via PEG tube to offset the fact that i am not etaing as much, i have no appetite and feel pretty miserable.  To make matters worse my neck seems to be inflamed and much larger than normal, insinuating the potential of an infection.  Will try and get to see my medical officer as soon as i can but not too sure what advice or additional medication they will be able to give,  i do not want to go back on to the syringe driver but as it is a struggle swallowing pain relief orally this might be the only solution for now.  Had visitors round yesterday which was a real tonic, a gift of beer for when I am better was thoughtful but made me think when will i ever be well enough to enjoy a beer (months/years!!?? so depressing).  Getting a work computer to use from home tomorrow, and a day out with my welfare worker, it will allow me to keep a watching brief but it is far too soon for me to contribute and add value.  I still worry about going back to work, which is some way off - after all I cannot even drive until I am pain free.  Got to try and remain positive at this bad time...

  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave.   So sorry that your oral pain medication doesn't seem to be working as well ... after my syringe driver was removed I was given high-strength Fentanyl patches and Oramorph for break-through pain. So perhaps you need to ' up ' something there rather than go back to the driver ?

    Unfortunately, you have found the ' three steps forwards, two back ' syndrome has come into play ... this can be quite normal so try not to get too upset about it. We all want to run before we can walk and want recovery to happen now ... as I was told, there's no accelerator pedal for that. Radiation especially, is a pretty powerful thing to get over and on this journey it's more like the Slow Boat to China rather than the Orient Express !

    Yes, keep your nutrition topped-up via the PEG as it's vital to helping your body heal ... don't try to force foods down if you don't feel like it. Even now I can have days when I just don't know what ' slop ' to eat, so I may have another breakfast ( soggy Weetabix or porridge and yogurt ) for my early evening meal ... or even a nutrition drink. One tip, instead of scrambled eggs try a couple of soft-boiled ones instead - I find them easier to eat than scrambled. I totally understand your struggle, Dave ... been there and have shed many tears, so don't feel alone - it will get better.

    If your neck is inflamed then go and see your Doctor just for peace of mind. Oh, and look after that gift of beer ... summer may well be on the way ! Take care, Dave.

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    thanks as always for the kind words of support Joycee.   It really helps...

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dave.  Unfortunately recovery can be like a game of snakes and ladders.  You think you are getting somewhere and then it's back to square one.  But you will get there and one day you will be able to enjoy that beer. 

    I never found scrambled egg particularly easy to eat, I used to prefer fried eggs.  Not such a healthy option but they used to slide down nicely.  

    I used to find that it was very theraputic to throw my collection of soft toys around the bedroom when I was having one of those miserable, frustrating days.  I don't suppose you'll have any teddy bears handy but perhaps you can find something else to chuck around.  Just make sure it's not the new computer!  And don't work too hard, your job at the moment is to look after yourself  xx

  • FormerMember

    Just found your post - I know it was a little while ago and hope things have improved.  Not sure if this would be any help to you but search for simplypuree online.   I have heard that it really increases the appetite and brings dignity back to mealtimes.  Would love to hear what you think!