Steps Forward

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Well finally today I have managed to be rid of my syringe driver and switch to oral medication for pain relief and anti sickness.  This means I am no longer reliant on being at home every day waiting for the 24 hour top ups from the brilliant community nurses.  Work are also in the process of sorting me out a laptop so that i can keep a watching brief but am still some way off going back to work yet as until i get off pain relief totally i cant even drive which is frustrating.  Still a day to remember as I gain back a little more of my independence.  Trouble is that sore throat is still persisting and stopping me trying different foods, so fish, eggs, soup, porridge and pureed mash will need to continue to make up my daily menu - even though i really fancy a Pot Noodle...Keep the well wishes coming, my battle to beat this thing continues...

  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave ... well you are getting somewhere, albeit slowly ! I remember when my syringe driver and finally the nasogastric tube were removed what a blessing it was to be ' free ' of these appendages : )

    Yes, the sore throat may continue for a while, so just take the painkillers and plod on ... it does get better. I think we all want to run before we can walk, as my Consultant once said ' there's no accelerator pedal to recovery ' .... and he is quite right.

    So don't try to over-do things ... be patient, my friend : )

    Joycee x