
  • Why can't life be fair?


    Why does life have to be so unfair? Why do the good people have to die? If people treated each other fairly, there wouldn't be any wars, would there? Why do parents die and leave us with no one?

    If life was fair, no one would die before their time! no one would become sick with cancer!.

    Life just isn't fair!!! 

    Sorry I am quite angry today, 9 weeks since dad has gone and now a friend has died aged 33 after…

  • Tears from nowhere!


    I don't know what's happening to me today, i feel sad, empty and kind of lost. I have taken myself up to my bedroom for 3 hours this afternoon because i could feel all these strange emotions bubbling to the surface (and to read 'breaking dawn')

    I wish there was a way to control how i feel and when i feel it. 

    It is my brothers birthday on tuesday and he wants us to go for a meal. This will be the first…

  • 8 weeks


    Hi Guys, I hope you are all doing as well as possible.

    So today it is 8 weeks since i lost my do i feel?

    Well this week i have actually felt much better, I have done lots with the kids and am now really looking forward to them going back to school on Wednesday lol.

    I have tried to keep myself occupied as much as possible because at certain points in the last few weeks i have been very very close…

  • The right words??


    My friends Dad passed away this morning in a hospice of bowel cancer. I hope i am saying the right things, i think she is expecting me to say it get easier but for me so far it hasn' has only gotten harder.

  • 7 weeks


    Today i has been 7 weeks since i lost my dad. Where has the time gone????

    I can't believe it has been 7 weeks since that day, 7 weeks since i last saw him. I just can't believe how quick the time has gone yet in some ways it still feels like it has been one long dream that has only lasted 1 night and if i'm lucky i might still wake up. 

    This morning i bumped in to someone in our village and she said I was…