8 weeks

1 minute read time.

Hi Guys, I hope you are all doing as well as possible.

So today it is 8 weeks since i lost my dad............how do i feel?

Well this week i have actually felt much better, I have done lots with the kids and am now really looking forward to them going back to school on Wednesday lol.

I have tried to keep myself occupied as much as possible because at certain points in the last few weeks i have been very very close to cracking. I have been reading a book called 'a time to grieve' that was recommended to me my a friend.

It hasn't told me how to grieve but it has taught me that the way i feel is not normal but it is individual to me.

I feel an extreme sadness for so many people....for my mum, for my kids, for everyone on here, for me but mostly i think for Dad, it is wrong that he isn't here to enjoy everything that we can, it is wrong that a 4 year old has to say "i miss my grandad, it makes me sad".

It is all so wrong but we all have to deal with what life gives us i guess and i think i am now on that on the right path. 

I know that to feel the loss i feel would not be possible if i did not love the way that my dad and i loved eachother.

He will forever be my dad and i will always be his little girl. I will never forget and my children will always remember. 

I miss you dad and i love you more than ever. You are not gone because you live on in me and my babies.

We will meet again, my faith has wavered but i have to believe that.


  • FormerMember

    dear vicki

    just something you might be interested to hear, but one thing that surprised me with my own grief, was that it is not the straight road i mistakenly thought it would be. before losing dad, i thought people grieving would feel utterly terrible at first, but then each passing week, month, three months etc they would feel a little bit less sad and so on. and it just is not like that, for me anyway - yes i do have more good days now than i did during the first year, but even now after 2.5 years, i still have days where grief overwhelms me and takes my breath away. the point of me telling you this, is that i didnt want you to feel you were 'going backwards' when you dont have a good week like this one has been. the road is long and winding, but i can give you hope that as cliched as it sounds, it is true that time helps. it doesn't take away the loss - that will always be felt, and the love you share will never change - but time does help to lessen the intensity of the pain.

    i hope you are able to do some nice things for the last few school holidays with the children.

    with love and hugs, Claire xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki

    You have been coping amazingly,your dad would be so poud of you girl.!! And it is still very early in the grieving process,hopefuly given time your grief will be replaced by wonderful memories, you will never forget how much your dad and you meant to each otherxx

    Take care of yourself, love Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    hey vicky , ive not spoken to you for a while as had a bad week this week ,but on the up now ,thankgoodness ,

    but i am thinking of you all, your doing amazing ,always here if you need me hugs jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicky,

    Yes it will take time, a long time for which you must be ready to face. I send you all my Sympathy strength,and Caring. It is a long challenge that you will have to meet head on and I know you will. So does you Dad.

    Take catre and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Morning Vicky, thanks for letting us know how you are getting on - and yes you are doing just fine.  Keep letting us know though and I hope we are all able to share your feelings and help understand yourself.  God bless, what a lucky lady you are to have had such a wonderful dad.  You had a true gift there.  Ann x