
  • 4 years old but a big girl now.


    I took my daughter to the hairdressers today and after 20 +mins of her screaming and crying "no you are not touching my hair" she calmed down enough to let the nice young girl cut 4 inches off. not that you can really tell with her long blonde locks.

    But we have just sat down and i said 'see it wasn't that bad was it' she no but grandad like twisting it.

    What can i say???

    She says i want to make…

  • My Babies are Amazing!!


    Hi Guys,

    Last night i had to go and help out my best friend with some paper work, when i came back the kids were still up and my hubby said the Cerys my youngest who is 4 wanted to talk to me, so we went and had a sit down and she said  "mommy i miss Grandad, i have dreams and i am playing with him and then i wake up and know he isn't here, i will never ever see him again and that makes me sad." Bless her heart, i told…

  • hello again


    Hi Guys, 

    I would like to apologise for my last post, i selfishly thought that being away  from here for a bit would help me get my head straight but.......................

    there is no-one in the world who listens and cares the way that you guys do.

    In the 3 days i have not logged on to the site i have been a mess and i thing that it was a big mistake it isn't a break from you guys that i need at all, i actually need to…

  • I'm off for a bit, Take Care. x


    Hi All, I hope you are all doing well.

    I hate to put on a sad blog i have tried my hardest not too lately, but i am really struggling at the moment, i have still hardley cried, i still feel very numb.

    Last night a friend came to see me and i haven't spoken to her since dad has gone except via text, i talked her through it all from start to finish, she is a great girl and she just listened to me but afterwards i thought…