
  • Getting scan results tonight.........worried now!!


    My beloved 49 year old dad is getting his scan results tonight heart has been racing since i got up this children are playing in the garden i can see their happy faces and i just want to cry. I really hope the chemo has done something.......Please guys send us some good vibes..........i really really love my i want a miracle!!!

  • Do you believe in God?


    Just wondering how many of you do?? God?? Heaven?? Angels???
    I have always kind of children have all been christened.....they now all attend a church school and i go to all the services with them ie harvest, easter, xmas etc. 
    Now the problem i have is if God exists why does he allow bad things to happen to such good people?
    Why take my mom from me when i was 2?
    Why allow my dad to be poorly now so he can take…

  • The dreaded scan!

    I have just got back from taking Dad for his scan, they are trying to determine whether the chemo has had any effect, i really hope it has as i'm not convinced dad will want to continue any treatment if this lot has been useless. He appears to be getting worse everyday at the moment, he has a horrible very throaty cough and he struggles to talk as his voice is very hoarse. The tumour under his arm is still there…
  • A diagnosis finally.


    Ok Consultant showed us the results of his tumour markers in his bloods in a showed that when dad had the cisplatin (which he had a reaction to) his tumour markers actually went down a little which sends the signal that the cancers may have been shrinking, then it showed that whilst he has been on the treatment he is on now (carboplatin and etoposide) his tumour markers have stayed static.  so not a good sign…

  • From a beautiful day to a scary one!!

    Yesterday, dad and i took my 3 children to the zoo. Dad was determined he wanted to go as my mum was doing a charity abseil down the castle at the zoo so we went early to see the animals. I was so worried about dad but my god he walked mine and the children's legs off. It was a wonderful day with lots of smiles and laughter and memories i will treasure forever.Today we went to mum and dad's for a mothers day lunch…