
  • Why would they do this?


    Ok so Dad has had some bad reactions to his chemo,

    so far it goes like this:

    Diagnosed dec 09

    1st chemo cisplatin in Jan (massive allergic reaction so no more of this)

    2nd chemo 3 weeks later of e-carbo (no probs- dad felt ok)

    3rd chemo 2 weeks after of e- carbo (this was yesterday- so far so good)

    Now dad was told yesterday he has to wait to see oncologist next week to discuss the fact that he wants to give him…

  • Dad is doing well-but they still won't commit to what cancer he has!


    Hi Everyone, 
    Dad is doing well at the moment, He still hasn't had anymore chemo yet though   not really sure why, But he is happy and plodding on, like us all i guess. Its the not having the info i guess thats getting us down-the docs don't know so we don't it's just sooooo confusing. We believe he will have another chemo on tuesday so hopefully he will still be seeing the oncologist before hand and they may have a little…

  • New Chemo, any ideas of side effects?

    Hi guys and gals, Dad is being started (hopefully) on thursday with his nesw chemo cyle. Out of the last cycle he only had the 1st dose as he had a severe reaction to the cisplatin. On thurs he is supposed to be starting the new stuff which is ETOPISED AND CARBOPLATIN. I say supposed to because he is still in hospital on a drip to rehydrate him. Can anyone give me some idea of what this new stuff may have in store…
  • ups and downs....where are our ups?????



    Dad came out of hospital yesterday morning at 1.30am and was ok yesterday daytime. I went to visit this morning and mum was just of the phone to the unit again as dad was really poorly again today. I had the shock of my life when he came down the stairs- he was grey in colour and very thin and shaky he had no strength what so ever. He was told to go back up to the hospital and he has been there all day on a iv drip…

  • Has anyone had raised AFP levels with Lung cancer???


    Has anyone ever ever experienced this even if they were only raised slightly i would just love to know what your oncologist said about it.

    Many Many Thanks

    Hope you are all staying strong
