The dreaded scan!

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I have just got back from taking Dad for his scan, they are trying to determine whether the chemo has had any effect, i really hope it has as i'm not convinced dad will want to continue any treatment if this lot has been useless. He appears to be getting worse everyday at the moment, he has a horrible very throaty cough and he struggles to talk as his voice is very hoarse.

The tumour under his arm is still there as large as life and doesn't appear to have shrunk at all. What is happening on the inside we really hope is better but that's what the scan is for i guess. We are hoping to get the results back early next week he has a treatment planned for Tuesday but no one knows whether he'll be having that or not.

I am dreading the results i feel if its bad it will be like hearing the awful news all over again. I have been strong for the last 3 months but i feel like i'm starting to fall apart now.

Hope you are all well. xxxx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi hope the results are more positive than you think.  I assume your dad is part way through his treatment and that this is an interim check so still time for the treatment to take effect?  Take care of yourself, it is such a difficult time waiting for scan results.  Love Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,How are you and your mum?

    I don't know how far into treatment he is actually, he has not been on a plan as such the consultant says that he cancer is very rare and they do not know the best way to treat it as they very rarely have to treat it in adults but as it is in his lungs they are treating him with that chemo and he sees the consultant every 2 weeks to check his AFP's so i'm not too sure but and i do think this is positive Dad has already outlived his 12 week diagnosis with no treatment so therefore the treatment has done something even if is has just halted things as consultant said yesterday that his tumour markers are static and have not declined.


  • FormerMember

    hi, ive just been reading your blog and we seem to be in a similar situation. my dad has terminal cancer and is waiting to see if he is to continue on any further treatment. He seems to have become very frail over the last couple of weeks. i would like to commend you on your bravery as i have been unable to find the courage to go with dad for his scans and appointments. my mum takes him and although i am a nurse myself, have found it hard to face up to the truth and prognosis.

    Take care

  • FormerMember

    Hi Florence,

    I'm not sure its bravery its kind of a feeling of need to go with him and it took me a while to talk him into letting me go and i wanted to take the pressure off my mum a little too. But each time i am sat with him in the hospital i just think that this is just a few more precious moments (or endless hours normally) that i get to spend alone with some a wonderful man. It is hard and of course i'd rather be playing with him in the garden with my babies but it is still time with him and it makes me feel kind of useful.

    I write on here and it sounds like i'm facing up but i know how you feel and it is impossible to face up to  the reality of the prognosis when you simply don't want to.

    How is your dad doing though? Are you coping?

  • FormerMember

    Still no results yet, the waiting is so hard!