Do you believe in God?

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Just wondering how many of you do?? God?? Heaven?? Angels???
I have always kind of children have all been christened.....they now all attend a church school and i go to all the services with them ie harvest, easter, xmas etc. 
Now the problem i have is if God exists why does he allow bad things to happen to such good people?
Why take my mom from me when i was 2?
Why allow my dad to be poorly now so he can take him too?

Why allow all of the lovely people on here to be ill?
If it is all real why does my mom not listen to my prayers and make my dad better? 
Or why does she not give me a sign (that i have begged for) that she is watching over me?
I think with what is happening with my dad i just need to know he will still be around me after he is gone.

Sorry i know they are impossible questions to answer i just needed to get the thoughts out of my head.
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  • FormerMember

    First of all I believe in God, second I have advanced prostate cancer, third there are possible complications which are curently being investigated.

    I also belong to prayer group and I believe that prayer works. By focussing on other peoples problems it helps me. Throughout my treatment when I have needed help and support it has been been made available to me, not necessarily in the way that I would have expected it.

    You are quiet right that there is no real answers to your questions, and they are very simaler to the ones that I have had especially in relation to the ones that I love who have had terminal cancer.

    Having cancer I have learn't a lot about myself and other people, and the most importment thing is to make the best of each day. Each day is bonus


  • FormerMember

    Hi Pink Vicki

    Just saw your post and thought I would give you my take on it.......

    I don't believe there is one hard and fast answer, the God I know is a loving God.  I do not believe God exactly 'lets' bad things happen, they are going to happen for whatever reason that we will never know - some bad things are definately caused by man (after all men murder each other, invent chemicals, cause global warming etc etc) and by God forgiving our sins by having his own son die on the cross for us he is allowing us to have the choice to decide to follow him and our soul go to heaven and have eternal life.

    Everyone has to die at some time after all and God does not (I believe) want anyone to be in pain - it was a choice we made as far back as Adam and Eve when God gave us the choice to sin or not.  We chose to sin and I think it broke Gods heart - he made us his children and we decided to do what we wanted and not what we were told to do.

    I don't think your Mum could make your Dad better only God could do that, have you thought of it this way - maybe God thinks its the time for your parents to be reunited?

    I find it hard thinking why doesn't God cure my Dad who is a christian - but part of me thinks why should God cure my Dad and not everyone else with cancer. Whether you are christian or not I believe God loves us all the same.  I think what you need to do is speak to someone like a pastor or someone who is more clued up on answering your questions.  If you don't want to go into a church have you got a church near you with an email evangelical/methodist or baptist church would probably answer your questions the best and they would never mind trying to answer your queries.  I am after all just saying it how 'I' think and I am no expert and could well be wrong!!  

    I think you are right to query things, I have done the same believe me - good luck hon xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki

    No I don't believe in god but thats ok. For me it matters what going on here and it makes no difference to me if god exists or not. I Find it absulutely heartbreaking that so many peoples are suffering through cancer and other things. I cannot change the big picture but I can and do care and I don't need a god for that. Suppose i'm not much help to you I can only send you my love xxx

  • FormerMember

    where s god when you need him ? hes in your heart,hes not to blame for cancers ,illness etc,hes their to meet us when our time comes ( thats what i believe) chemicals,life  style,our surroundings,our own emotional state all these things add to getting ill ,i dont believe its god thats done this,i have faith and i do believe, my own mother had a huge faith and it got her through life ,through all her terrible losses and traumas, i dont go to church or preach but i talk to god and ask for help,i ask to live just that little bit longer,i ask him to look after my youngest son,i pray my mum is safe and waiting to meet me when my time does come, i believe all these things too be true and know them in my heart ,its fine too be angry and to blame its allowed we need to aim our hurt and anger at someone and why not to god, so all i can say is you have to do ,think,feel,rant,rage,at whatever or who whatever you want and when ever you need to but the only true answers lie in your heart and only you know truly what they are,if you listen to your heart and never your head then you cant go wrong as your heart is where the truth will always be.ive really gone on tonight but your question was a very good one, i wish you well love,mazz x x

  • I was brought up in a very strict Christian family. I respect and admire those who have any faith. Equally, I respect those Humanists who believe in the concept of respecting the law and helping their fellow human beings. I have lived my life following this precept - I have, from childhood, known it was my duty to help those less fortunate than myself, and have offered my service to others accordingly. I would love to believe that when I die I will move on to a better life, but logic tells me... There was nothing before I lived, therefore why should  there be anything after I died?

    We are here... we are now... let us help one another whilst we can.

    As that great comedian , Dave Allen, used to say:

    "May YOUR God go with you"
