
  • Why am i crying???


    I have just spent the day with my children and my parents and my brother and sister ......we had lunch in the garden in the sunshine, played some games with the kids, had a laugh basically.

    Then i have just got home, put a dvd on for my babies and gonne and sat in the garden and cried....for what reason i have no idea. 

    I feel really really sad and i don't understand it, Dad has just had a really good day and we have…

  • How do i say those words????????????


    I think my Dad wants our blessing to not continue his treatment anymore.

    He got very upset with mom last night and said he doesn't want to do this anymore 

    But he will continue with it because he believes it is what myself and my siblings want.......which yes the selfish part of me wants me to carry on trying to fight these horrible things although all indications from his visible tumours and  his tumour markers and…

  • Day 19 bep delayed! anaemia is the reason now!

    Dad has done well so far since his new regime of BEP, He spent 9 days in hospital with the first 5 day course of  the 3 different drugs but he had to have a blood transfusion first, he had his day 9 injection before they released him then he went today to have his blood test and they have just called today to say he cannot have his day 19 lot of bleomycin as his is now anaemic and he has to go in on thursday now for another…
  • Holiday is over....back to the grind!


    I'm back home now and have just been to the hospital to see Dad taking him pressies and photo's, his treatment seems to be going okay he was on his last bag whilst i was there   He looks completely worn out and was very shaky but said he felt ok  , I have had a fantastic weeks holiday with hubby and the kids but still had dad in my head constantly   i feel much better now that i have seen him. Hope you are all well 

  • Not good scan results!!


    :hiya: Everyone,

    I have come away for the week with my dh and the kids, we have rented a house at the beach.

    Unfortunately dads scan showed that the tumours have resisted the chemo and have continued to grow although not at the rate that they would have done without the chemo according to the consultant. Its devastating news but neither dad nor his doctor are prepared to give up yet....they have got him booked in…