A diagnosis finally.

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Ok Consultant showed us the results of his tumour markers in his bloods in a graph...it showed that when dad had the cisplatin (which he had a reaction to) his tumour markers actually went down a little which sends the signal that the cancers may have been shrinking, then it showed that whilst he has been on the treatment he is on now (carboplatin and etoposide) his tumour markers have stayed static.  so not a good sign. The cosultant has put dad forward for a scan next week (waiting for the appt to come through) so that we can actually see what is happening on the inside then we can re-evaluate the next steps to take. Then on top of that he bloods were way too low so he hasn't been able to have any treatment today . Its all just so frustrating. 
They have now however decided that dads diagnosis is inoperable extragonadal Germ cell cancer originating in his chest with secondary's in his lymph nodes, lungs and aeorta.


  • FormerMember

    Dad has had treatment this week but he said that he has told the docs that he is not having this one again. It is not showing any results and therefore not worth him feeling so poorly all the time (his words not mine) He now has an appt for a ct scan on 9/4/10 and the to see the consultant a week later that will be the day that tough decisions will be made i think!

    Love to you all. x