Day 19 bep delayed! anaemia is the reason now!

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Dad has done well so far since his new regime of BEP, He spent 9 days in hospital with the first 5 day course of  the 3 different drugs but he had to have a blood transfusion first, he had his day 9 injection before they released him then he went today to have his blood test and they have just called today to say he cannot have his day 19 lot of bleomycin as his is now anaemic and he has to go in on thursday now for another blood transfusion. But today he felt well and we took the children to the park and then we got back to his and had this just seems there is always something to delay treatment.

Hope you are all well ((((hugs))))

  • FormerMember

    had a similar experience with my dad a few months ago, the blood transfusion did help and since then his bloods have been a lot better, still low but "acceptable".

    you will have days when you feel you are going no where - we have just come out of ours as dad had to come off treatment for a bit due to numerous other side effects - according to his consultant there is only 1 other person in the uk who is reacting to the drugs like him - won't tell you exactly what mum and I said but it was along the lines of "typical of you!!!!"

    Hope all goes ok on thurs and he gets back on treatment soon