Piles to cancer a blog to help me make sense and maybe explain

  • Covid and Cancer

    So I'm still not ok with Covid. Restrictions are relaxing as most people only get mild symptoms now with Omnicron but this is not the same for cancer patients who have had their immune system knocked out from chemo. John had a well deserved break...
  • Treatment and after

    After January spent in treatment with every week getting slightly worse. Some issues were drug related - couple of the anti sickness made me extremely agitated so I couldn't sit down. It was terrible but luckily a friend suggests I ring triage li...
  • First week done

    .The day before treatment I felt extremely anxious. I was due for MRI at 9.30 and then had to wait until 1 pm for chemo and 4pm for radiotherapy. I was hoping to pop into Maggie's in between but night before found out they were still closed. That...
  • Beginning Treatment

    So next week I start treatment. It's been quick to arrange and start after Xmas on 4 January..Really loved having Xmas day out with my family but have had to be a bit careful with Omincron flying around. We've all had our third vaccine but tr...
  • Now what and Omnicron Covid

    So we met with oncologist on 9 December to be told they now could not definately say I was cancer free so I needed further treatment. Chemo radiotherapy. That was my choice or further surgery that would mean a colostomy stoma bag for rest of my days....