Covid and Cancer

1 minute read time.

So I'm still not ok with Covid. Restrictions are relaxing as most people only get mild symptoms now with Omnicron but this is not the same for cancer patients who have had their immune system knocked out from chemo.

John had a well deserved break for a few days with the boys and now somebody on the trip has got Covid. To say that I'm paranoid about getting it, is putting it mildly.

We move in one weeks time and this could not be a worse time to get it for anybody.

Living with constant worry means that I put extreme demands on John and find myself cancelling social engagements just in case all the time. It's quite depressing not having a social life at all. 

Listening to Question Time the other day with the antivaxxs going on about how they will only get it mildly so they don't want the jab..I find myself angry at not being able to get across the message that it's about herd immunity to stop mutations and protecting vunerable like me. It feels extremely selfish especially when 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime. 

Overall I'm coping but underneath I feel quite helpless which just isn't me. Maybe with Spring and feeling better this will pass - let's hope. Xx
