Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • One more down


    Two more days at work to go. I'm all out of steam because my head's done in and I'm exhausted but I'm hanging on. I'm on annual leave all next week anyway so aside from Peak District-ing, seeing a couple of friends and a whole heap of hospital appointments/radiotherapy, I'll be doing some serious hardcore sleeping! Still can't get over how tired I am ALLLLLL the time. I'm 26 years old and I'm in my jarmies and having…

  • Seriously brain?!


    I know I've said it before but if dreams have any true reflection on a person's mental state, I fear it may already be too late for me. I woke this morning with I guess an over due panic attack. Had I thought I'd found yet another blasted tumour I might even have forgiven my brain for choosing for us to start the day in such an undignified manner but do you know what I was dreaming of when this panic attack arrived? Was…

  • A Funny Turn of Events


    Things have been on the tad random side over the last three months and I suppose it goes to show no matter what hand you're dealt in life, there's always a move to make and always a bright side if you're willing to look for it. Who'd have thought three months ago I'd be looking for lingerie for a man I've never even met. Clearly I foster the best type of relationships (no joke)! Yep, I'm now THAT kinda girl ;)…

  • Smiles


    I take it back. Apparently I don't need to talk about how I feel at all to make me feel better. OK maybe a bit but that's not all because that would be dull and dreary. Trading bizarre things over the internet with my lovely friend while on the phone to her ranting in sarcastic tones about humanity was all it took to take me from calling her to say 'ARRRRRGH' right through to giggling my face off because I had completely…

  • The Day of Two Halves


    I'm starting to understand that most days at the moment are more of a wave of emotions rather than a stable leaning to one emotion or another and frankly it's likely to stay that way for a while. When I'm with people everything's fine, I feel like me and I laugh and the world is amazing. When I'm alone I am a bit like a hormonal teenager, completely unable to control the venom and despair pouring out of my head. One minute…