Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • Two Week Wonder


    So I guess the last time I wrote here I was waiting to see whether the haematologist was going to take an interest in my breasts and unsurprisingly he said he was about blood not boobs and I was referred to see someone in the breast clinic to be seen within two weeks. The day after this news I went home for a week and a half so I was quite concerned I had missed the contact they might have made to make an appointment…

  • My Lovely Lady Lumps


    That song will never be the same to me again, not that I liked it in the first place. Breast lumps. They are still there. I am still concerned.

    So I've been to see the doctor. She agrees that I am indeed developing more dodgy lumps that weren't previously there and aren't shifting either. She still doesn't know what to do. My bloods came back abnormal but a different abnormal to my usual results so she's sending an urgent…

  • Lumpy McLumpyface


    The lump that I was assured would vanish after my period is still very much in place, still not moored to anything and still no bigger. Swings and roundabouts on the lumpy news scale really isn't it! I have come to the conclusion that if the lump is cancer and they want to 'whop off a boob' as it were that I'll ask if they'd kindly take the other one while they're at it. This would be good because I'd remain symmetrical…

  • Sometimes only big dollopy tears will do


    Sometimes I think there's nothing else to do but cry and do it hard.

    I'm frightened today. It's my own fault for reading the Cancer Research Facebook update about a chap my age who had cancer when he was 15, which he'd found out had come back in February and is now terminal. I donated to his JustGiving page, freaked myself out and then tried to ignore it. My lump is indeed still there (well to be fair it was unlikely…

  • Shut Down and New Lumpiness


    Things have been quite insular in ginger land lately, not least because Hairy had a mini rage at Virgin when their engineer didn't turn up and managed to cancel all our services. It was odd being without internet, TV or phone for a while but I quite enjoyed having to keep myself busy and not attached to a device. Err as you can see I am totally sticking to this way of living now they've turned it all back on.