Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • Malfunctioning Ginger


    In terms of me, myself and my alps, everything is fine. I think I've relaxed a little bit now I know the dates and the plan. I think I've also become even more pointless in my brain because I don't feel like I'm still holding my breath and all the wibbly wobbly-ness of the last 3 months is slowly escaping. That's my excuse for doing bizarre things anyway. Nothing awful, just apparently saying things that make no sense…

  • Don't suffocate me in your bosom!


    Today I've had the brain of a mongoose that was recently in head on collision with a tank. I managed to forget I two meetings I was meant to attend (so didn't), nearly forgot to pick up my medication and then got home only to realise I'd put a collander in the washing machine instead of the clothes to wash. Thankfully I hadn't turned it on. Don't get me wrong, I've had a perfectly lovely day but I clearly wasn't on the…

  • Collecting 'ologists'


    Today I met with my oncologist, not my radiologist, so now I have 3 'ologists' if you count my haematologist too. Do you get a prize when you get to a certain number?

    Last night I discovered Hairy still up and about at 2am, clearly not coping with everything that's going on. I urged him to come to bed but I didn't hear him slide in next to me until about 4. Unsurprisingly this meant that when I tried to shift…

  • If the Haematologist is Santa...


    What does that make the radiologist? Chief fryer? King of all things butt-kicking!? Cancer Killer Extraordinaire?

    I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn't a little apprehensive about my assessment for radiotherapy tomorrow but equally it's another step forward and there is no downside to that so I'm also a little bit excited. I can't imagine it's something I'd want to take up as a hobby but given the choice between…

  • I'm dreaming of knock off superheroes


    In the end I managed to get through Monday entirely unscathed and just about hung on for a full 8 hour day at work before going home for a nap (who said napping in your 20s is no good). Hairy kindly offered to cook dinner and I spent the short time I was up sitting next to him on the sofa talking drivel. According to him I beat people with frozen herring; I'm 99% sure that never happened. 

    I decided I'd tackle the…