
1 minute read time.

I take it back. Apparently I don't need to talk about how I feel at all to make me feel better. OK maybe a bit but that's not all because that would be dull and dreary. Trading bizarre things over the internet with my lovely friend while on the phone to her ranting in sarcastic tones about humanity was all it took to take me from calling her to say 'ARRRRRGH' right through to giggling my face off because I had completely defaced her Facebook page with inappropriateness that her mother and her boss will more than likely see. Bad Lottie.

This evening I have accused my lovely friend of all manner of bizarre things in the name of amusement. I did tell her I was angry that some of our mutual friends (who to be fair she sees far more often than me since she still lives where we grew up) had suddenly decided to stop talking to me but that made up about 5 minutes of the conversation and the rest was just appalling gutter humour. I feel a lot better. Clearly I just need to go find someone decent to make me laugh when I feel blue and it'll all be smiley again.

All is not doom and gloom. There's rather a lot to be happy about. I'm off camping at the weekend, I've got friends from home staying with us the weekend after, I'm still ginger and I have the correct number of feet - how could you not be happy with all that fabulousness going on?

I'm sure I'll continue to be as wibbly wobbly as I have been over the next few days but I do tend to use this place to focus on the negativity which is a bit of a shame when there's so much good out there too.

Also, today I learned that some turtles can breathe out of their bottoms - didn't the world just get a bit weirder?! Love it :)
