Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • It all catches up


    Catching up, both the good at the bad seem to be the order of this weekend.

    I have started making plans and seeing them through with some of my friends again. This has all been slow progress partly because I'm knackered, partly because people want to talk about cancer like that's all I am now and partly because I wasn't able to guarantee whether I'd want to get dressed unless I was required to for money (for work, there…

  • I'm the one in three. Cancer is only a part of me.


    I don't think I'd appreciated until today how far I'd come in terms of both knowledge and emotion on the whole subject of cancer, me and all that goes with it. Three months ago none of this had happened and I was going about my life none the wiser that I was growing rebel forces in my body. I could have gone on that way until it spread and I started to feel the symptoms but instead it was caught early and I started my…

  • The Gift of Radiotherapy


    Yep you heard me, I am bloody thrilled! I had my appointment with the haematologist this morning (not that I keep banging on about it or anything) and went through the results of the tests. They took more blood but I guess that's part of their interest so why not.

    My lovely haematologist told me he'd already referred me for radiotherapy and I'd get an appointment to see either 'John or John' which then turned out…

  • Anyone would think my haematologist was Santa Claus


    My haematologist is definitely NOT Santa Claus, he's entirely beardless, but the fact I was so tired I could barely function or form proper sentences at work then returned home and realised tomorrow I'd see him and *bing* wide awake! 

    It seems super wrong that I'm almost looking forward to seeing him, waving the new lumps at him and asking if I'll get radiotherapy now or whether he says I have to go on the active…

  • Just. Keep. Moving.


    Oh my goodness am I tired! All day I've been trying to keep myself going at work to the count down to going home. I've been exhausted for as long as I can remember during my adult life but I think piling on disturbed sleep and stress for 3 months is enough to bring anyone to their knees. I'm struggling but I'm not giving in because the thought of being at home, alone with my thoughts, any longer than I need to is unbearable…