The Gift of Radiotherapy

3 minute read time.

Yep you heard me, I am bloody thrilled! I had my appointment with the haematologist this morning (not that I keep banging on about it or anything) and went through the results of the tests. They took more blood but I guess that's part of their interest so why not.

My lovely haematologist told me he'd already referred me for radiotherapy and I'd get an appointment to see either 'John or John' which then turned out to be 'John or Joan' who work at the Freeman Hospital (not too far away) to book me in for assessment and then I'll either have 1, 5 or 15 sessions.

He confirmed that 3 of the 4 new lumps were indeed cancerous but I'd expected that. The other, located on another part of my body is apparently too small and under a freckle so he wouldn't make a decision and being that this is not a particularly aggressive cancer, told me he'd have another look at it in 2 months when I've finished radiotherapy.

What a relief! I was half convinced he'd tell me I had to go on the watch and wait list immediately. I know that it's the likely outcome for any further tumours but I would like some time to feel like I've had the mother f****r fried first! Silly cells!

I also finally took the leap and told the other people I love. I'd put off telling many people for an age because of some of the bizarre responses I'd had but I figured with the news that something would be done, it was worth telling people so I had something pretty positive to back it up with. 'Hey, I've got crap news but it's really not as crap as it could be.' The majority of my friends have been really fabulous about it (of course they would, they love me too) and the rest took me up on my offer not to talk about it which is perfectly fine with me too. I've had a couple of people shy away from me already but I figure that's their own issue. It's not like I've got something highly contagious....especially nothing they could catch when I'm over 350 miles away but hey we all cope differently. Sarcasm is the answer for me!

I sent a message to my friend Charlie who immediately called me. I'm a bit deaf anyway and was on the bus back into work when I got the call from her. She said 'I just want you to know, I've got your message and sent you one back but I have to tell you, you're awful'. I was shocked and loudly enquired why on earth she'd ring me to tell me I was awful!? Lots of staring on the bus. Yeah....she said awesome. Oh dear! She asked me whether I also thought she was the sort of girl who throws shoes at people since I'd accused her of telling me I was awful and explaining she was backing up this sentiment in writing. I absolutely don't, she's brilliant!

So I'm now counting down to hear when I get to see the radiologist. I am wondering whether they'll accept my complaint that the radiotherapy will fail to make me radioactive when I had SO had my heart on becoming the hulk and joining the Avengers when I'd heard I had cancer. Maybe not right...

Perhaps I can just get them to number the tattoos so I really can be a human dot to dot?

I might well be the happiest person ever to receive the news that I have to have radiotherapy.

I haven't really looked into it yet so I'm sure there will be an 'oh bugger' moment if I too fall asleep on the bus after treatment but at least there's action and it's another step to remission. I don't care right now how long that remission is (who am I kidding, make it go away dammit) but at least it will mean some time to concentrate on my friends and my life again. I know I really am very lucky and there is so much I should be pleased about! Also, no panic attacks since Sunday. I might have turned a corner and everything!

  • FormerMember
    Oh hun, I'm pleased that you're pleased!! At least things are moving and once you start treatment, every day is a day nearer to killing the beast! People do react to the news differently. I had some 'friends' (I use the term losely!) actually did avoid me. I guess they don't know what to say. I don't bother with them now. Whats the point. Others could not do enough. People I did not expect came forward offering help. It certainly sorts the wheat from the chaff so to speak. You can give you MF lumps a good talking to and tell them their days are numbered :-) I had just one rather huge lump. I called it Tommy. I became attached to it in a weird macabre sort of way. Half way through treatment I fancied I could hear it screaming 'No No No' and I screamed back at it 'Yes Yes Yes', time for you go your separate way, you MF haha!! Chin up hun, everything is starting to happen. Here is a sparkle blast to help you along xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Thanks my love, I really am pleased! It's the best outcome so I might as well make the most of it. I love that your named your tumour! I've mainly referred to mine as lumpy bumpy arm syndrome - it makes it sound far less appealing since it's decided to grow in me. Tommy had to go, I'm sure he understood in the end :) I've told them I'm getting them fried - I've heard no complaints from them yet but maybe they just thought I meant we were going to a BBQ!

    The people that have avoided me were a surprise which is why I think I've noticed it. One of them I've been friends with for getting on 14 years and having known him longer than not knowing him I kind of expected he'd not just look at me like I'd told him I'd grown an extra arm, decided to use it to manipulate the sun and invade China, then promptly stop talking to me, about anything. Still. you're right this is certainly an eye opening way to see who the real friends are. I know I'm fortunate to have picked a good group of people to point my love at so if a couple fail to make the grade, I'll just get over it.

    I feel the most positive I have done for a while so it's all definitely moving in the right direction. The not knowing is definitely more annoying. Thanks for the sparkle my love! Sending you some shiny back! xxx

  • FormerMember
    Tell the little blighters, you are not the guests, you are the DINNER !!! Let the frying begin ;-)
  • FormerMember

    Haha exactly! It'll be like Christmas has come early once it finally gets going! x