Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • Smiles all round


    Today was a really good day. I got to hang out with someone I love to pieces and just sit, laugh and drink copious amounts of tea without the uncomfortable looks I'm starting to see more and more. I hadn't seen him in moons and I feel a little awful that if I hadn't gotten cancer I might not have seen him now either. He's a little love with the best sense of humour going and when I told him, entirely out of the blue one…

  • The Best Diagnosis, The Worst of Reminders


    I remembered my appointment this afternoon - huzzah! I am officially calling Wednesday a success as a result.

    Unfortunately, I still feel like I've got a truck on my chest and it started to concern me that being ill might delay radiotherapy or prevent me from working through it. People keep telling me I should be at home resting but I'm not that ill. I've got a run of the mill icky thing, not a terrible disease…

  • Forgetful like a jellyfish playing the shopping game.


    I woke up this morning and realised despite two diaries and a calendar I had completely forgotten I was supposed to go to my friend's for a walk. I can only assume she thought since I had cancer now she could no longer beat me for letting our plans slide.

    As it happens I felt so rough I was in bed with Megamind (on the telly, I'm not having an illicit affair with a blue alien) by 8pm. Being ill is knackering so I…

  • Charlatans and Saviours


    I've woken up in a shocking mood which is at least in part down to the fact I have woken up myself (and himself) this morning by rolling over in my sleep and headbutting HP. Just in case you are thinking of giving this a go, I wouldn't recommend it as a romantic way to start the day. Not unless you are a couple of masochists anyway, in which case knock yourself out. Maybe even literally.

    I was also annoyed at…

  • Minions and Mischief


    First proper hang out with a friend complete. I met my friend and her son for a chat and a coffee. I took all the painkillers I was allowed because my tonsils and I are still not on speaking terms but despite feeling like I'd swallowed a box of pins with a toddler's arm band inflated around my neck, I was really glad I had some time to just chill out and mull over the bizarre turn things have taken.

    We'd said…