Just. Keep. Moving.

2 minute read time.

Oh my goodness am I tired! All day I've been trying to keep myself going at work to the count down to going home. I've been exhausted for as long as I can remember during my adult life but I think piling on disturbed sleep and stress for 3 months is enough to bring anyone to their knees. I'm struggling but I'm not giving in because the thought of being at home, alone with my thoughts, any longer than I need to is unbearable and at work I'm still relatively useful. The lymphoma might well make you tired but I had it longer than I actually knew about it and whilst I was permanently knackered I still managed well enough; it's stress that has made me a wibbly mess of yawns and coffee props.

Cancer is still everywhere and now even work's not safe because someone has preemptively gone off citing tiredness  and it's possibly cancer and this leads to meetings where you have to discuss the logistics. You can imagine how impressed that makes me.

A clearly not very informed woman piped up in the latest one with 'well everyone has to be seen no matter what type of cancer it is within 2 weeks so being off 6 weeks makes no sense'. I attempted to point out that in practice it doesn't work like that. Liver cancer and lymphoma were discussed and it took all my willpower not to tell her I had lymphoma and could prove that isn't how it actually works in all cases and nor should it where lymphoma is concerned. You can't exactly remove the lymph system and so what's the alternative, just pump everyone who might have it with chemotherapy? Anyway I digress...I actually like work and am a big advocate of using it as a helpful tool wherever possible. Sure it might come to it that I need to go off sick at some point but I simply refuse to put another part of my life on hold for a group of rogue cells going crazy and starting a party in my body. That said, I'm not above going home for a nap!

Hairypants' grandparents had been watching a TV show about a man who bought a bit of rain forest as far as I could tell. The man went to see the Amazon equivalent of a doctor who said they didn't get cancer there because of the plants they use to treat it. My first thought was 'yeah and I bet even you know what is and isn't cancer' (not that I'm still cross with my GP or anything). I'm not likely to start shouting from the rooftops about miracle amazonian cancer cures though. He rather undermined his wisdom in my view when he went on to diagnose a patient by blowing on his toes with tobacco smoke...and informing a poor man with a paralysed arm that it was caused by someone taking his photi and using black magic/voodoo doll to curse him. Each to their own beliefs-wise but I think I'd be much less horrified to hear I had nerve damage/a disease etc than actually someone dislikes you so much they've decided to curse you.

Anyhoo life's still pretty good so whinging and sarcasm over, time to achieve!
