Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • More of the Same and my Macmillan Facebook Debut


    So I've been meaning to write here again for a while but as usual the stress of work started again and honestly, it's easier to try and avoid all things cancer when I'm feeling the pressure, despite the fact that it still seems to be everywhere. I'm not sure whether that feeling ever leaves you.

    A couple of people I work with have had reason to consider the possibility of cancer and it brings it back…

  • Limbo - Of the less flexible kind


    I'd hate for this space to become nothing more than a place for me to moan but to be truthful we all need somewhere to go, scream and then shut the door like that noise never came out. I've been really stressed over the last week and though I'm aware of this, I know how I respond when stressed and I know how to combat it the progress in that area is a little slower than I'd like. I actually resorted to walking out of…

  • New Year, New Worries, New Age Counselling


    So it's been a while since I last posted. If I am honest I think the idea of coming back to my blog seemed a little too scary. When I read my blog, I remember all the appalling feelings I had several months ago and it seems somewhat masochistic to put yourself through that. What's happened since November? Work is really busy but generally things are going well.

    I'm trying to help fellow cancer people as best…

  • Strung Out

    My usual determination to see the bright side has been tested to the limit in the last week. I got my blood test results and thankfully there's nothing massive to worry about aside from some of my liver results. It seems my liver isn't doing as well as you'd hope so further tests have been ordered but they're satisfied that I'm not an alcoholic; intravenous drug user; promiscuous or in the habit of meeting people for…
  • Don't Point Your Tears at Me

    I get my blood tests on Friday hopefully. The anxiety of wondering whether there's something wrong with me is not particularly pleasant but I am at least well versed enough in this area to know that if there is something, worrying about it won't undo it and I suppose knowing is better than not if something can be done. All easily said but not terribly easy to follow my own advice at times. Yesterday saw the return…