My New Fight With Cancer 2013 Nov

  • Well the Week as gone


    Hello all

          Well another week has gone during this Cancer Fight but if you have been keeping up, then you will know that nothing has happened really this week and it is really draging me down and making me feel so low, this is making me have really black moods again I sit and seem to sink deep into a murky place that i am unable to see a way out, i think that others will think that i am daft and should pull my socks…

  • another day


    Well I really am having a struggle

                    No real news since last Wednesday I was talking to some of the other members, and they suggested that if no information was forth coming in the post today then to phone up, so I phoned up the local mac people at the hospital, she said that she had not had any news and would phone my surgeons secretary, but by the end of the day  there was still no news, so as you all can imagine…

  • Well Here Again Pain Relief Time


    Yes i am up early again the pain still wakes me up generally it is well under control but when i give a sharp cough or shudder then this is too much and breaks the barrier, I really dont know how i am ever going to over come this in the near future, but hopefully after they have done their work then it will remove the pain also ,if not then i am certain that we will be able to over come it I had no information from the…

  • Sat here woken by pain 5:00


    Well I am back adding to my story, the pain in my cheast plus my noisy breathing woke me up and I had to come downstairs to have some pain relief,then I thought I would add to my Blog, I do forget if I have told you all about the fact that the occupational therapist came and said that I needed a rise and recliner chair to help me to relax and stand from sitting which I am finding difficult, to do as I get so breathless…

  • Well A new Day


    Well  I dont know if you have been following my ,blogs this is about the worse and the one which i have written, with no information I think this is what is making me so down in the mouth,even if they had phoned and said that they were still deciding then that would have been better than nothing,my head is pounding and the pains are back in my sides,i dont know what to do for the best,there seems to be know where to sit…