My New Fight With Cancer 2013 Nov

  • Surgeon


    Well  I am here again yesterday i saw the surgeon at Heartlands Hospital and from what he saw and from what he said then he will do the operation that i need i will keep you all posted as to how things go the operation will take place in the third week in march so i will be unable to keep youi posted for a while after that date as i am sure i will be sore, any way i want all the group to know that one of our founders has…

  • Well its new year


    Hello To All

            Well the naw year has arrived and with it the count down to my appointment with the Oncologist and specialist, I do so hope that after this then I will know a lot more then i will know what they are going to do it has been so hard not  knowing and every time i cough it hurts my chest but perhaps thats a good thing after all they do say if it hurts then it is not too bad, oh what am i to do the Anti Biotics…

  • Well i Have Seen Mac Nurse


    Hello All

             Well i have had a visit from my Macillan nures and she was unable to come up with any reason as to why they have missed this Cancer  over the past year or so as they have been seeing me every three months for the past five years well it is too late for recriminations now we just need to get down to beating this new out break of cancer but in two places this time, I am at a loss too see why they are working…

  • Nearly the New Year


    Well Hello Again

                     It is nearly the new year and thank goodness every day is a day closer to the appointment that i am looking for, and need well the pain has caused a not so good Christmas but i did manage to hide the pain as best as i could and went too bed too be alone when i could not, as i did not want to spoil every ones Christmas just for me but pain is such a horrid thing, have got the macmillan nurse coming…

  • More News


    Well Hello again

                         I have more news from yesterday the 23rd December, first the Macmillan Nurse telephoned first thing in the morning she was sorry too hear that i was still having pain trouble, and suggested that i up my Morphine and add in some Ibruprophine to help, she also informed me that the reason that my appointment with the Specialist was held up was because the Oncologist is only at my local hospital…