Well the Week as gone

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Hello all

      Well another week has gone during this Cancer Fight but if you have been keeping up, then you will know that nothing has happened really this week and it is really draging me down and making me feel so low, this is making me have really black moods again I sit and seem to sink deep into a murky place that i am unable to see a way out, i think that others will think that i am daft and should pull my socks up and get on with it,  but it was only in August that i was given a little hope that i would soon be free from this awful thing , then to fall ill and find out that not only is it back but that this could be a recurance of the Cancer that i had on the back of my tongue but it has moved to my lung, or it could be a new primary Cancer, so you see my problem and why i have such black days.

                all for now James

  • FormerMember

    Hi James

    You and my dad have so much in common.  He has throat/trachea cancer ( he has a trachea tube in ) and he's fed by PEG too.  He beat cancer last year but we were told that it was back in Feb this year, but this time it is terminal.  We're devastated.

    Dad is usually such an upbeat man but recently he's been so depressed and distant and withdrawn.  We're trying to cope with it and realise that he feels so ill but its difficult for us to watch him in such a dark place. His recent chest infection has taken him into an even darker place and we are at a loss on how to help him.

    Rest assured James that your family and wife don't take your black days personally - they hurt for you too and I'm sure would do anything to make things easier for you.

    Hang in there.


  • FormerMember

    Thank You Paula

              You have taken the time to read my depressing posts and reply to them whil you and your family are coping with a very similar situation, I hate to feel that I am loading others with my problems,your Dad sounds such a strong character I seem to be able to feel with him as you say it sounds very much like our stories are very much the same. At the moment i am going through a vicious chest infection which is causing me so much pain and pain is a very personal thing that no matter how you try to explain it you cant and no one can help you to cope with it, and now i am fed through my PEG for 12 Hours a day what makes things worse is that now they have decided that the PEG is Asperation into my Lung and making my infections worse, My dark days are getting worse and this morning i awoke at half past four and had to struggle down the stairs to give my self pain relief, once down i cannot go up stairs until tonight I do so hate my life and hate what it is doing to my family. I am sure this is how your Dad feels and in the deep dark places we go it is hard to see a way out.

                    Virtual Huggs  James XX