Life my way!

  • still waiting....


    Hi all

    Well, Im just about to head out to the hospital but thought Id quickly update this. Mum had to wait till 3am before they gave her glucose drip, and she is still in medical admissions ward!!!

    I am going to create merry hell, she should at very least be in oncology where they are geared to treat terminally ill patients!! Mac nurse is aware that mum is in there, will try to speak to her today.

    I actually think that…

  • this difficult journey


    Mum has been admitted to hospital tonight, she is severely dehydrated as she isnt even able to keep water down now. Morphine syringe driver seesm to be helping control pain a bit better.  I feel really annoyed that doc did not just keep her in yesterday after her struggling to the appointment. Still talking about a stent to enable her to swallow fluids but apparently they can only carry that procedure out on wednesdays…

  • difficult week...


    I want to hide under the bedcovers today and not come out. Mum has been so unwell since starting morphine slow release and oramorph on Thurday. Changed to fast acting top tablets, but today had an appointment with her oncologist, which she made 4 weeks ago when she was still relatively okay.

    But now she cant sit up due to the pain, and had to lie in the car on top of a duvet to get to hospital! I was unable to go with…

  • helpless


    My mum is 66, she has cancer of the oesophagus and tumours underneath the skin all over her body (which I think she has been told are a separate cancer) and it is terminal. Symptoms only began in april/may this year and she was diagnosed terminal just 4 weeks ago.

    She is deteriorating fast (tiredness, pain, weightloss,gastroparesis,inability to eat solids, more lumps appearing daily) . The lumps all over her body are…