
1 minute read time.

My mum is 66, she has cancer of the oesophagus and tumours underneath the skin all over her body (which I think she has been told are a separate cancer) and it is terminal. Symptoms only began in april/may this year and she was diagnosed terminal just 4 weeks ago.

She is deteriorating fast (tiredness, pain, weightloss,gastroparesis,inability to eat solids, more lumps appearing daily) . The lumps all over her body are far more painful and problematic than the tumour in her oesophagus.

She was offered palliative chemo but declined when they told her it would only buy 2/3 months more. I can't accept that she will soon be gone, she means the world to me . I hate seeing the pain in her face, although she tries hard to keep it from us. She is very practical, and I helped her choose her funeral songs yesterday! But when I come home each day after seeing her I need to cry to release the emotions inside me. My children are 11,13 and 14 and are having to deal with this well as having a mum who is far less tolerant than normal ! My hubby is very supportive too, but his mum  who I adore is also very ill just now so there is a lot going on.

 I feel so can I make anything better ? I need to know what to expect, and keep wondering just how long we have left with her. Trying to be strong for everyone, but inside my heart is breaking. I am forty in 4 weeks, my mum wants me to go ahead with my party but I crumble when I think that she may not be able to be there with me (her birthday is in the same week).

I want to be the best support to her I can be, but need to be able to share how I feel with people who reallly understand what this is like. xx


  • FormerMember

    You are doing a wonderful job already, doing the things none of us ever want to do ie picking the funeral songs, we too did this while dad was here he chose everything about his funeral, i think he needed to do everything he did so that he knew we couldn't be pressured into doing anything we knew he didn't want.

    Spend every precious minute that you can with your lovely mum, and make as many memories etc that you can. All the little things will mean so very much to you later on. Tc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Sharon, I hope your mum doesn't suffer for long and i hope you can stay strong for her.

    Kirsty x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    You have a terrible lot going on in your life at the moment. You are giving every ounce of yourself to your Mum and you Family and your Husbands Family.  No woman could possibly do more to make things more comfortable for those around you so dont forget about yourself you have to look after

    or you will end up being ill. You are a credit to your Mum and your Kids.

    Take care and be safe Big Huds Love

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone

    Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. It just really good to know that there are other people who have got through this. Mum had mac nurses in today and has at last agreed to accept morphine for the pain, she was worried she would be too dopey from it. So hopefuly she will  be more comfortable which will make me happier for her. Its a 50 mile round trip each day to hers, the guy at the petrol station is my new best friend lol!!

    thanks again
