difficult week...

2 minute read time.

I want to hide under the bedcovers today and not come out. Mum has been so unwell since starting morphine slow release and oramorph on Thurday. Changed to fast acting top tablets, but today had an appointment with her oncologist, which she made 4 weeks ago when she was still relatively okay.

But now she cant sit up due to the pain, and had to lie in the car on top of a duvet to get to hospital! I was unable to go with her, but my stepdad managed (just) to get her to her appointment. Doc took one look and within minutes had a morphine pump fitted into her stomach?? Wants her to get stent fitted in next few days to allow her to swallow fluids (think theyve given up on solids). But because mum has two cancers raging through her (as well as oesphogeal tumour she has multiple tumours all over her body under the skin from unknown origin ) the pain is an even bigger problem than the swallowing.

Anyway, I have sat by the phone all day waiting for my stepdad to call and let me know what was happening, and finally caved at 4pm and text him to say I just wondered what was happening . And heres why Im beng so upset - irrationaly probably. He text back - answer your phone then!!! Now I have sat all day clutching both the house phone and the mobile and he has not phoned either!! My sis just phoned to let me know he had only just phoned her to tell her the news. BUt for some reason I am really upset by his text. He is caring for my mum really well, but seems to be having a tendancy to  shut me and my sis out (probably unintentional). I have been with my mum most days this week but with 3 children going back to school on Thursday, Ive had to used today to get things organised (I dont know if Im coming or going lol). I dont want to upset him, but I felt really hurt when I read the text as if he was having a go.

Its 50miles trip to/from my mums so I cant just pop round, I wish I could be therre all the time and my stepdad (who I get on well with) is becoming overprotective of my mum. He cant shut us out...we need to know whats happening too. I know im rambling here, but the last few days have been really tough and I think Im floundering a bit here!! Its all happened so fast, 7 weeks ago she was fine, then 4 weeks ago she was terminal, and now shes really ill. I dont feel ready to lose her yet, she means so much to me. I cant expres how I feel, but I wish the world would go away.

  • FormerMember


    Its about time you and your sister had a chat with your Dad about your Mum. Explain to him thats shes your Mum and have a right to know what is going on. He has no right to shut you both out of your Mums Life or whats left What your Mum needs now is her Family close around her where she can feel cared for and Loved. So if you want to make your Mums Last days Comfortable I suggest you all sit down and have a chat. As to what your Mum would want. My sympathy goes out to you all as a Family.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon.  I'm so sorry your mum is still suffering so much pain and I pray that now she's had the morphine pump fitted she will be much more comfortable.  It is a very difficult time for you all and maybe your dad thought he had phoned you and had dialed the wrong number.  I'm not making excuses for him and I understand why you're so upset but I think you need to talk to him.  You are all devastated by what has happened to your lovely mum in such a short space of time and really need to support each other rather than close each other out.  I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Thank you both so much, I have read over what I have written and it doesnt even sound like me! I am usually quite upbeat and just sound like a total moan!!

    Spoke to mum a little while ago, she is exhausted but ok and I feel better for speaking to her, will see her again tomorrow:). I love my stepdad, hes quite a stubborn man though and although we all have mums interests at heart he is still a bit in denial (understandably as its happened so fast). I would normally have spoke to him about the text, but as emotions are runnning high I thought I would just leave it because I dont want to cause upset.

    Docs want mum to get stent fitted in next couple of days to allow liquids down as she isnt even managing that. Think doc is hoping to do that then get her into marie curie hospice to make her comfortable. She still has a sense of humour though - she text my brother and said "I'm not dead yet - get out here and visit me! " which made us smile as my brother is trying to avoid dealing with this.

    Anyway, thank you again!! I need this xx

  • FormerMember

    Your mum sounds like an amazing woman Sharon.  That text is brilliant!  Caroline XX