I miss you Mumxx

2 minute read time.

Well, its been ten days now since mum passed, and 3 days since the funeral. I don't know what I feel anymore, numb, raw, desolate.

 My 3 children are missing their gran desperately, they were wonderful on Tuesday, they had never been to a funeral before but their granny would have been so proud! There was a heartwarming wonderful turn out, about 170 at the funeral and we raised £620 for the Marie Curie Hospice (where Mum had hoped to be but there was not a bed when she needed it). The Minister made the service uplifting and personal, just as Mum had hoped for when she arranged it. He played her choice of songs (Country roads and One day at a time) on his guitar and we genuinely had a celebration of her life.Thank you Rev Andy, (no thanks to funeral directors who have been diabolical and whom I will discuss at a later date). 

I keep picking up the phone to tell Mum something, then it hits me all over again. And every time the phone rings I still expect it to be her. Each time I fall asleep I wake up and remember that she is gone and my heart aches. Mum was my best friend, my confidante, my inspiration. I know that she wanted us to be strong and get on with life, but right now I cant bear to put my head out the door. The children are back at school and being very brave, but I feel  as though there is a huge hole in my life. Only now is my stepdad starting to grieve, my heart goes out to him - he made my mums last few months bearable and he has been a rock, but he has lost the love of his life and I see my pain echoed tenfold on his face.

Mum was incredibly brave, she never complained about her cancer or wallowed in pity. She accepted that she could do nothing to change the inevitible and  did her best to live from day to day, but she had less than 3 months from diagnosis and I feel sad that she was denied the chance to take a last holiday or spend her days by the sea (the pain from all the tumours took hold very quickly and she was confined to her home/bed very quickly). But she protected us throughout, and managed to be as positive as she could when we were with her.  I wish I could find some of that strength now that she is gone. 

I've had a bout of pneumonia since coming out of hospital (only just diagnosed yesterday after feeling dreadful for the past two weeks) and I think that it is contributing to feeling so low, but hopefuly now Im on the right antibiotics I will soon feel well again.I wish that my  heartache could be as easily fixed, I know that time will ease my pain but right now I just want my Mum.


  • FormerMember

    Sending you some loving thoughts Sharon.

    I know exactly how you feel because I feel the same way. It will be 6 months next week since my dad passed away and it hasn't got any easier.

    I am currently on antidepressants which are being doubled next week.

    It is a horrible place to be and I can only hope that we will all begin to feel a bit better soon. I guess we will always miss them, that will never go away, but I'm sure the raw grief will lessen with time.

    I hope your pnuemonia clears up soon and you start to feel a bit better on that front too.

    Take care. Love, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    oh sharon  , i cant say much as will not help,but i send you huge hugs, always here jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    My deepest sympathy at the loss of your Mum.

    May she R.I.P.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember


    Christine is so right it is a really horrible place to be...... here without the person we love.

    I also agree that so far for me it hasn't got easier either, but i do think that every day  it just hurts a little bit less, the way i miss my dad doesn't get less that gets worse (for me anyway)  but the anger and disbelief eases and the good memories return and your smile will return our kids do that for us. I live now for them and to make my dad proud.

    You mum will have been so proud of you, You are a wonderful daughter and i hope your heartache starts to heal. We will be here to help you as you have helped me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx