a wobble..

1 minute read time.

Christmas Day went well, as did Boxing Day. There were tears, epecially when my daughter presented me with a poem she had written about her gran, and again at the dinner table when I felt upset that her space was empty, but on the whole it was a lovely day that Mum would have be delighted by, and one that my 3 wonderful children really deserved as they have been so fantastic this year, which has been the most difficult year of their young lives.  

Now, I don't know why but I have woken up today feeling a bit down, thinking about new year now. Spent yesterday with my Stepdad, and I know that it is even harder for him. I just don't feel ready to say 'My Mum died last year' : as I already think that most of my friends who still have their parents think that I should be getting over Mums death by now, but I actually feel like its only just now starting to sink in that she is not coming back. And while I will be glad that this year and all its horror is coming to and end, it almost feels as though when the bells chime, I will be leaving a part of me behind in the old year. I know that sounds silly but I'm almost scared to let this year go.

 My sister has decided that instead of going to bed as she had planned, she is now having a Hogmanay Party for friends and family. My children are desperate to go as they love being with their cousins and I would not deny them a party, but I am worried that I am going to be a killjoy. I really still don't feel like being at a party, and the thoughts of wishing lots of people a 'Happy New Year' scares me, last New year I had no idea of what was ahead for my family - to go into a New Year without my Mum seems inconceivable. I was actually feeling that I was doing quite well, that I coped well with Christmas. But I am really scared that I will fall apart at New Year.

So why do I feel like this today?


  • FormerMember

    hi Sharon

    Sorry you are feeling down, I think after steeling yourself to get through xmas for the sake of your family you relaxed your guard a bit,

    Now you must once again find the strength to face the next hurdle, I know it is hard to think of starting a new year without your mum, but she is still right there in your thoughts and in your heart and always will be.

    How you get through the next few days doesn't matter try to go to your sisters party with your children at least you know there will be others there who know how you feel and if you are sad will hopefully  give you space.

    Remember  you are loved by your children  in the same way you loved your mum.

    take care don't be hard on yourself xx

  • FormerMember

    Sharon,  You and I are so alike.  That is exactly how I've been feeling today.  I'm not sure what I'm doing yet but imagine I will spend it here with Gillian, Paul, Kieran and Charlotte.  I have considered going up to Scotland but my uncle still isn't keen for me to drive up while the weather is so unpredictable.  I've thought about getting the train or flying up but don't think I can be bothered.

    I, like you, am scared I'll fall apart at the bells.  In fact I'm not scared I will I know I will and like you I don't want to leave mum behind, it seems so final, doesn't it?  I know I'm still stuck in the 'don't actually believe mum won't come back' stage.  Still thinking if only I could give her one more hug, give her one more wee kiss, hear her voice just one more time.

    Take care of yourself.  Love and hugs Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    Look you have had a very hard year losing your Mum. But if you Got through Christmas you definately will get through the new Year, I know 2010 will be gone but not forgotten,but 2011 will open a new chapter in you and your Families life . Thats the way Your Mum would have wanted it.

    She would have wanted you and the kids to go to the party,and enjoy yourselves, I think you know that would make her very Happy. But you do what you think is right.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    Look you have had a very hard year losing your Mum. But if you Got through Christmas you definately will get through the new Year, I know 2010 will be gone but not forgotten,but 2011 will open a new chapter in you and your Families life . Thats the way Your Mum would have wanted it.

    She would have wanted you and the kids to go to the party,and enjoy yourselves, I think you know that would make her very Happy. But you do what you think is right.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry Sharon,

    I had a dose of the stutters.

    Look after yourself. Sarsfield.xx

    P.s Stupid Computers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!