My mum has extensive sclc

  • Saturday November 20th - OH report!


    I received a copy of the occupational health report through the post this morning.  Thought I would share some of it as I've gone on so much about it!

    This is a normal grief reaction to the death of her mother in the middle of October.

    At the present time she is not fit for work due to the severity of her symptoms and itis not possible to determine how long it may take for her recovery to be achieved.

     At the present…

  • Friday November 19th - Feel like a lost child


    It's four weeks today since mums funeral.  I was there but I can't accept she's gone.  One minute it seems like forever since I saw her the next it's as if it was only yesterday.

    With all the trouble I'm having regarding my absence from work I really feel I need to talk it through with mum.  I'm realising that I've never really grown up and have always looked to mum to point me in the right direction…

  • Tuesday October 16th - Occupational Health


    I went to my appointment at 3.15pm and regardless of how many people told me they would be very surprised if I had a problem I was totally stressed out before I got there and nearly didn't go in.  The temptation was to go home, write my resignation, drive into school and drop it on my bosses desk.

    However I did go in, I was pretty uncommunicative and the girl tried her best to put me at my ease.  She even told me she…

  • Sunday November 14th - A small chink of light in a very dark tunnel!


    It's been another difficult day.  It started at 2am this morning when I woke up in a complete panic having had a nightmare, something I've rarely had.  I was sweating and felt very scared. I have no idea what it was about but it really unsettled me and I struggled to get back to sleep.  When I got up this morning I was very weepy and, at times, felt like I couldn't breath.  That's also a new experience for…

  • Thursday November 11th - Even though you're gone


    Some people write poems, some letters, for me it's music.  I don't write it, play it or sing it but I do love to listen to it.  When I sat down to plan my mums funeral I put my ipod on shuffle and the first song that came on was "Even Though You're Gone" by Angelis.  The words said everything I felt and I decided I had to have it played at the funeral.  My mum has never been far from my mind today and I…