Thursday November 11th - Even though you're gone

1 minute read time.

Some people write poems, some letters, for me it's music.  I don't write it, play it or sing it but I do love to listen to it.  When I sat down to plan my mums funeral I put my ipod on shuffle and the first song that came on was "Even Though You're Gone" by Angelis.  The words said everything I felt and I decided I had to have it played at the funeral.  My mum has never been far from my mind today and I decided as I'm not a poet, a letter writer or indeed a songwriter I would post the words of the song here along with the youtube link.  Many of you have told me that my mum will always be with me in my heart.  These words say exactly how I feel and they give me comfort.  I hope they may give others who are struggling to deal with their loss some comfort too.

Even though you're gone

Words, words are not enough for me to say how much I miss you.

You flew away too soon, I feel so alone not with you,

but when I close my eyes every night

I hear your voice like an angel and you're here again by my side I swear I hear your words pacing through me and I'm back where I belong.  You are here even though you are gone.

You're here everywhere I go deep inside my heart forever.

And one, one sweet day I know that we will be back together,

but until we are here in the dark

I hear your voice like an angel and you're here again by my side I swear I hear your words pacing through me and I'm back where I belong.  You are here even though you are gone, and I know that inside you'll live on.

I hear your voice like an angel and you're here with me by my side I swear I hear your words pacing through me and I'm back where I belong.  You are here even though you are gone, and I know that inside you'll live on.




  • FormerMember

    Hi-that music is beautiful-we lost our daughter, Judith, in Feb(Creative01) and I have just played it and had a little weep. We are now having counselling-something I thought that my husband would never do, but we  seem to be getting "back on track". Things will never be the same again but for the sake of Judith's children and my other daughter and her family I feel we need to keep "a good face" on things.

    All good wishes to you and hope as time goes along your pain will start to ease. I think when you have nursed someone you love (I was with Judith for the last month) it is very hard when they go.

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi Diane, glad you liked it.  Although it's sad I find it quite uplifting.  So sorry about the loss of your daughter Judith, hope the counselling helps you and your husband.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    That is a lovely song Caroline i play it now and another song with is beautiful the words are lovely Faith Hill the song from Pearl Harbour Film

    i play them when i am thinking of V

    love to you and nic xx

    love janice xx