Friday November 19th - Feel like a lost child

1 minute read time.

It's four weeks today since mums funeral.  I was there but I can't accept she's gone.  One minute it seems like forever since I saw her the next it's as if it was only yesterday.

With all the trouble I'm having regarding my absence from work I really feel I need to talk it through with mum.  I'm realising that I've never really grown up and have always looked to mum to point me in the right direction when things have gone wrong.  Who's going to point me in the right direction now?

When I was 4 my mum and dad took their eye off me for a split second on Blackpool beach and I wandered off.  The beach was packed and I suddenly realised I was lost.  As I wandered along the crowded beach in tears a lady who had donkeys put me on the tallest one and walked me up and down the beach to try and find my parents.  When we couldn't find them she took me to the police bus.  I remember being really scared because I knew we didn't go on a bus to get back to our hotel.  I actually told them the name and address of the hotel we were staying at but, because I was only 4, they took no notice.  Anyway after what seemed like a lifetime my mum and dad arrived at the police bus. 

Today I feel as if I'm lost on that beach again but I know there's not going to be a happy ending.  No tearful reunion.  No hugs and kisses.  No feeling of relief.  Just the feeling that I'll never feel safe and secure again. 

  • FormerMember

    i wish i had some magic words that could you feel all better but i haven't .

    But i have been where you are and you will one day see light at the end of the tunnel .

    thinking of you big hugs Jackie x

  • FormerMember

    I wish I could say something to make you feel beter. Big (((( hugs)))) to you  and thinking og you.

    Love teresa

  • FormerMember

    celiswan lost is definately the word to use lost and scared its 5 weeks today since my mums service my work was good but im a single parent and i ran out of sick money so had no choice but to return not ready i was petrified no self confidence didnt have a brain that worked but concentration helped me it gets me out of that dark scary hole just for a little while i dont know if this helps but its just something else to focus on doesnt make the hurt go away  i know in my heart that my mum is with me every step of this scary life and she wont let any harm come to me  just as your mum is with  you  have faith hun she may not be able to talk you out of that hole but she will be there for always  i find alot of comfort in that  its my mum that keeps me going  lots of hugs to you  u take care xx

  • FormerMember

    (((((HUG)))))) Caroline, I feel the same not that its any consolation. Suddenly our comfort blanket and safety net have been stolen away from us. But our Mums have given us the courage to stand alone,to be independant women and we will find our strength again, just not yet. Although your mum is not here to give you advice , in your heart you know exactly what she would tell you to do. She made you the person you are today, and you carry much of her in you. In time you will find the strength to realise that you do know the right direction, you still have your mums guidance.xx

    Thinking of you, this is not an easy place to be in just nowxx Sharonxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    I dont know what to say anymore.  There is just no words that I can say will help you over the loss of your Mum. May she R.I.P.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx