November 16th 2009 - Mum had her first chemo

1 minute read time.

Mum didn't sleep well last night as she was very apprehensive.  We arrived at the chemo suite at 10.45am this morning to be told there had been a crash on the M65 and as a result the chemo coming from Burnley was delayed.  Instead of starting at 11am it would now be 1pm.  Linda, the nurse, took us into her room and spent about 45 mins explaining everything to us.  Mum didn't like this much as she was telling us about all the things that might go wrong but accepted that although it was scary it was important for us to be aware of what we should do in certain situations such as raised temp, things that may happen to her blood count, compromised immune system etc.  Linda then gave us a booklet with all the information she had given us in it.  Mum won't look at this but I have already had a good read.  We then had lunch and just after mum started her treatment. 

Anybody had this? Carboplatin and etoposide?  I hour of one then one hour of the other.  She was also given antisemetics (is that right? to stop you being sick? don't know where i got that word from actually!) and steroids (can't remember why).  Mum was fine she said she didn't feel anything, no sensations of any sort.  She was very tired when we got home so ate her dinner and has now gone up for a lie down.  So now it's a case of wait and see how it effects her in terms of side effects.  Linda said she would phone tomorrow just to check mum was ok. 

I'm a bit disappointed with mums specialist nurse as she told us to leave a message on her answer machine if she wasn't available and she would always get straight back to us but I rung on Thursday and then again today and  she has not responded.  It wasn't anything that urgent although we do need a blue badge as mum is struggling to walk far and I wanted some assistance with completing the form correctly that she had arranged to be sent to me.  The chemo nurse even rung her twice today but still no response.  Well that's it for today, just praying mum has very little if any side effects. 

  • FormerMember

    I too hope your mum copes well with the chemo and its not too bad for her. If I remember rightly, well this is what I was told in relation to the chemo I had, (which evidently isnt what your mum is on) the steroids help some drugs work better and can also help with the sickness.

    I'm sorry the CNS hasnt been back in touch with you, I have great difficulty getting hold of people when I try too. I dont think they mean to 'forget' you but they are so very busy so this may be a problem you encounter quite often.  Still it doesnt help when there are things you need to get sorted. Could your GP help with any forms? I know sometimes they charge but they may be willing to waive the fee in these circumstances.

    Take care

    Chrissi xxx

  • Hi Caroline

    Hope your Mum is ok tonite after her first chemo.

    I remember when the oncologist told me about all the side effects possible with my chemo I thought there was no way I could cope with it. Was not as bad as I expected. They have to tell you everything I suppose but it does scare you.

    I sent u a private message yesterday re smoking.

    Lots of Love

    Sue x x x