November 19th 2009 - not such a good day!

1 minute read time.

My mum is not having a good day today and I feel totally hopeless!  She got up at 7am and took an anti-sickness pill as she was feeling nauseous for the first time since the chemo on Monday.  She wen to bed and slept until 9 when she got up and had some toast.  I had to go for a flu jab at 10 so she went back to bed and slept until about 12.15pm.  I made her a sandwich which she ate but has now gone back to bed (1.15pm).  She says she's just not interested in anything at the moment.  She's usually an avid reader but can't get into her book.  She is also a telly addict but says nothing is holding her interest.  I told her she's probably just got a lot going on in her head but she said she doesn't think she's got anything going on in her head.

The first couple of days after the chemo were good and I had hoped she would sail through it but it seems as if that was the calm before the storm!  I don't know what to do to help her.  She really enjoys her food but last night she said her sirloin steak (normally her favourite) was tastelss.  She had a wee whisky last night and said that also tasted of nothing, although she thought it had helped her breathing and was wheezing less.  Wheeziness is back this morning and I can see it's getting her down but am at a loss as to how to help her.

I thought I was coping well and have just been getting on with the practicalities this week as my boss has given me the week off on compassionate grounds to sort things out like wig, blue badge, smoking cessation, district nrse etc. but I am now floundering.  I feel as if I'm on a seesaw or a roller coaster.  Feel positive one minute and extremely low the next!  This is the start of the journey so I suppose gven time we might get more used to it and be able to deal with the ups and downs better!

  • FormerMember

    hi celiswan

    the 2 days were probably the calm before the storm although i do believe it will level off .chemo does have strange effects on the taste systems -my wife used to say most foods tasted metallic but that reduced after a while .there are such alot of things to sort out but do take time,you cant do everything at once .

    take care

  • FormerMember

    Chemo is really really hard Celiswan. Please dont be too hard on yourself, you are doing really well. It isnt easy to see your mum like that but give it another couple of days and she will start picking up again.  Everything you have described seems normal and you are doing the right things by being there for her, getting her food even if its not tasting great right now. Does your mum like spices or strong flavours like ginger? I found I had an awful taste in my mouth when I has chemo and it made everything else taste funny. I used to get spicy lentil soup and lemon and ginger tea. Because the flavours are strong you can actually taste something.

    Also make sure you take care of yourself do you have anyone who can help you if necessary? What about support other than this site?

    Thinking of you

    Love chrissi xxx