November 17th 2009 - 1 day after first chemo!

2 minute read time.

Mum slept very little last night.  She was very wakeful but said she felt fine just couldn't sleep.  Took her anti-sickness at 6.15am and then her chemo tabs at 6.45am.  This meant she was able to have breakfast at 7.45am which she did.  She then went back to bed and slept for a couple of hours.  She took another anti-sickness at lunch time and had a sandwich for lunch which she enjoyed.  So far so good on the eating front.   She's just said she is very tired and has gone up for a lie down before her dinner so, hopefully, she will sleep.  Her chest still sounds bad but she said she thought she had managed the stairs a little better, don't know if ths is just psychological or whether there is a marginal improvement. 

Although she has had no more pain in her hip she still has the painful calf.  She feels as if her leg is going to go out from under her when she first gets up to walk.  The chemo nurse had a look yesterday and said there was no swelling or redness so probably just a pulled muscle.  We'll just keep an eye on it and see our gp if it doesn't improve.  It's funny how little things that you would normally ignore suddenly become an issue, wondering is it related to the cancer! 

The nurse who gave mum her chemo yesterday has just rung to check she's ok.  I told her mums chest had been very wheezy and she said just to keep an eye on her temperature as she could have an infection.  I explained that we'd taken her temp and it was fine so think it's just the wheeze we've got used to.  She's said just to keep an eye on it.

Mums specialist nurse is my one disappointment.  Despite me leaving 3 messages on her answering machine plus the macmillan people at the hospital leaving a message and the chemo nurse she has not responded.  I have now waited 5 days.  I've filled the blue badge application in but just wanted to check whether she was going to process it or whether I should just post it.  I really want some reassurance that I've put everything in that I need to before it goes off but I'm wasting time and it's now we need the badge.  Anyway I know she says she has 180 patients on her books so I understand that she must be run off her feet.      

  • FormerMember

    Hi Celiswan,

    Glad your mum seems to be doing ok and has her appetite, sleep is the best remedy. Keep bugging the nurse hun she will gt back to you in the end.

    I hope when your mum is having her sleeps that you are taking care of yourself too and having a rest.

    take care love Terri xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cels

    Im glad you've got the first day over. It's not easy but she will get through it especially with you to help her. Saying that I agree with Terri. Make sure you get your rest too. Hope to chat later

    love Karen xx