November 26th 2009 - a better day

1 minute read time.

I filled mum full of oramorph last night, at the instruction of the doctor I might add, and she had the best sleep she's had for a few weeks.  She was pain free until 11am this morning when it started to niggle but she took the oramorph and that helped.

The GP came at 12.30pm and had a good chat to mum about her pain and a good look at the pain diary we'd been keeping at the request of the district nurse.  We had not met him before but it was clear that he had read mums notes thoroughly before coming to see her which filled me full of confidence.  He was very nice and took time to ask mum how she was coping and listened to her tell her story of the shock and how quickly things had moved on.

He left promising that a prescription would be delivered to the house later on in the day and having explained how she was to take the various meds.  He said to try this over the weekend and he'd get in touch at the beginning of the week to see how she was doing.  He also said if there was any problem before then just to ring and the surgery would get him, or one of his colleagues, to come out. 

The meds were duly delivered and mum is now tucked up in bed and has had very little pain all day.  This has led her to be much brighter and we've had a GOOD DAY!  Yet another NHS professional that I have nothing but praise for! 

Please also note that I am back in sync with the dates!
