December 4th 2009 - mums hair is coming out!

1 minute read time.

Not an ordinary day!  I went home from  work at lunch time to get mum some lunch and she presented me with a handful of hair.  She is devastated.  Even though she was told she would definitely lose it, it has hit her hard.  To add to the upset my mums younger brother phoned to say that her eldest brother has had a bad stroke and is in hospital.  He has been estranged from the family since 1987 but for some time now mum has wanted to contact him.

My uncle and I were worried about how she would take this but funnily enough she took it in her stride.  I was concerned that she would want to rush up to Scotland and see him but she said that as much as she would like to she had to have her treatment and it was not possible to go up at the moment.  She phoned his eldest son and told him that she couldn't come up but would come and see him when we go up for christmas to my other uncle.

My mum never ceases to amaze me! I thought she would be in bits but she was concerned although calm and dealt with it in a much less emotional way than I was expecting, knowing her.  She chatted to my cousin for quite some time telling him the details of her own condition and saying that she would send a card to my uncle.  My cousin is 52 and hasn't seen mum since my aunts funeral in 1987 and yet it was as if they had just spoken yesterday.  I am so pleased that she was able to ring him and hear that although her brother has had a serious stroke he is able to speak and recognises his family.  I hope he is still around when we go up at Christmas so that she can go and see him.

So not a good day, as such, and yet positive in a lot of ways.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Well, a boring 'normal' day yesterday...which is great to have one of this.  It never rains but it pours, hun.

    At least it's the weekend and you can be with her.

    Funny how parents never do what you think they will do.

    All the best to you and the family. XX