My mum has extensive sclc

  • December 9th 2009 - Our GP paid a visit, wish he hadn't!


    We are in a large GP practise and never get to see our own GP.  As anyone who has read my blogs is aware mum has had a difficult couple of days bcause of her hair so the last thing I needed was the grim reaper turning up, unannounced, on the doorstep!  The district nurse must have told him that mums leg pain hadn't improved at all during the two weeks that she had been taking the amitriptyline so he had decided to come…

  • December 8th 2009 - Left work in a panic!


    Mum text me at 11.15am this morning with the following message - sweating terribly - patch off.  I got in the car and rushed home to see she was ok and check her temp as I knew she wouldn't do it.  She was fine she was just letting me know that her sweating, which is a part of her condition, had caused her no smoking patch to fall off!  As I arrived in the house she was replacing the patch.  I took her temp anyway - normal…

  • December 7th 2009 - A slight improvement in mums mood!


    Mum seems a little brighter today, although she is still constantly touching her hair.  She told her brother tonight on the phone that she is bald, not true, but it was good that she was able to articulate how she is feeling.  She said she would have to start wearing her wig and even told him about my suggestion to get her hair cropped or shaved.  He said it was the best thing to do and I know she will think on it.  I won…

  • December 6th 2009 - mum very low!


    Today is the first day I've seen mum quite low in mood.  She decided not to go out with Nuala and I and, therefore, didn't put on her wig.  The reason for her low mood is definitely her hair coming out.  She asked me tonight to run my hand through her hair and see how much came away.  She then said 'it would break your heart!' and she's right it would.  I've watched her today and she has been constantly…

  • December 5th 2009 - hair continues to come out!


    Mum got up this morning and her hair is coming out in handfuls.  My friend has come up from London for the weekend and we took mum out for an hour just to do some shopping.  Very mundane but got her out of the house.  The three of us intend going out again tomorrow for an hour or so and mum told us tonight she thought she would wear her wig.  I'm delighted that she's made that decision and hope she has the confidence to do…