January 30th 2010 - Lovely wedding!

1 minute read time.

We've just got back from my friends sisters wedding.  It should have been on March 13th but because her dad has been diagnosed with terminal cancer (no treatment) she wanted to make sure he was well enough to walk her down the aisle.  We were all up early this morning as the bride and bridesmaids were getting ready in my friends house whilst I had the boys (Kieran 17, Thomas 9 and Joseph 7) getting ready in my house.  So by 8am mum and I had had our showers and I was making tea and toast for the boys and then shipping them off into the shower one after the other.   It was pandemonium as everything had been brought forward but I must say everyone pulled out all the stops and the dresses were only finished at 7.30pm last night.

We couldn't believe what a beautiful day it was, absolutely freezing but glorious sunshine, and it's still shining now.  The church was beautiful, the priest was lovely and very funny and everything went off without a hitch.  It was a really lovely wedding and was enjoyed by everyone.  Afterwards we went to a church hall for a lancashire hot pot lunch, there will still be the proper reception in March at a posh hotel but this was the best that could be organised at short notice.  Peter, the brides dad, was in good spirits and was beaming as he took his only daughter down the aisle.  He seems in good health at the moment and, like with my mum, it is hard to believe there is anything wrong with him.  Mum really enjoyed it but has gone to bed for a sleep now as we were up early and she was beginning to flag by 3pm. 

It was a lovely start to the weekend and mum and I will just chill tonight and tomorrow. 

  • FormerMember

    Glad to here you had a good day..   My daughter brought her wedding forward as well as my mum's cancer is terminal.  She had a great day in August last year...We have some lovely photos to look back on.  Now we are hoping she lasts until March as she has 2 new great grandchildren due...    Just glad you had a lovely day to add to your memories of your dad. ...hugs and love to you all

  • FormerMember

    Glad it went well Caroline.It was lovely they managed to bring the wedding forward so her Dad could go that was lovely.

    Have a good rest today,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    So pleased to hear that the wedding went without a hitch and everyone had a good time.

    You and your Mum deserve a good rest after all the organisation this morning.

    Love and best wishes
